Dear BRHJA Members,

The new BRHJA Board of Directors met on December 17th for our first official meeting, and we discussed several important issues that we are facing in the reorganization of this 40-year-old regional horse show association. We will keep you posted as we finalize any changes, and as we develop new and exciting activities for the membership. For the first time in the history of this organization, we have filed for status with the State of NC, as a 501-c3 non-profit. We expect that to be confirmed sometime in January, but until that time, our hands are somewhat tied as to what we can do. We will be soliciting memberships soon but need to hold off with the new membership application forms, until we finalize membership fees and have our bank account established. For those who showed at the Harmon Classics December show there will be an extended date for horse and individual retro-active membership registration, so that all points will be applied to the 2025 show season.

The board has discussed and will put forward a solid horse show schedule of BRHJA shows for the 2025 show season. We are excited that we will be able to offer more BRHJA shows in the local showing area than in the past few years. In addition to his October date at FENCE, Rick Cram and Progressive Show Jumping (PSJ) are offering 2 new spring shows, one at FENCE in May and one at Tryon Equestrian Center (TIEC) in March, both featuring a BRHJA Derby. PSJ will also rate 5 shows at Highfields (Aiken, SC) with BRHJA. Lewis Pack and Harmon Classics will continue to have such favorites as Derby Mania and the September Spectacular (TIEC). The Tryon Riding and Hunt Club (TRHC) show at FENCE will couple with the PSJ May show to provide circuit grand champion prizes. (You may leave your tack room set up in place). Harmon Classics will also host the BRHJA Classic. That will give BRHJA members the opportunity to collect BRHJA Points at 12 horse shows through the show season (March-October). We are excited to have two of the southeast’s top horse show managers supporting our organization for this expanded show season.

Stay tuned for updates

Lee Cone
President BRHJA

Blue Ridge Hunter Jumper Association

Due to change in leadership we are extending the ability to get points for sanctioned shows held in Dec, Jan and Feb.

If you would like your points to count for those shows you must join BRHJA by 5pm 3/13/25 for those earlier points to count.

If you join after 5pm on 3/13/25, points will count from that date and going forward.

Please note for points to count toward year end awards.
In the Hunter divisions and Derby, the Owner, Horse, Rider and Trainer MUST to be members.
For Equitation divisions the Trainer and Rider MUST be members.